Accommodation for the wedding

PLEASE READ: Due to the size of the wedding we have booked three different hotels in town. We will reach out to you personally with your exact hotel name/address up to two weeks before the wedding.


Accommodation options for the wedding region of Koroška (where Slovenj Gradec is located) are scarce and there are no real options for getting around with public transport. Yes, Pia grew up in the middle of nowhere. 🙈

To make it as convenient as possible (and to avoid a logistical nightmare), we went ahead and booked hotel accommodation for you all. Accommodation locations are smack bang in the centre of the charming Slovenj Gradec town, merely a few steps away from local restaurants, shops, cafés, bakeries and more. There's a gallery, a museum, an old chateau and a few churches nearby, too. Very handy overall! Wanna know more about what the town has to offer? Look no further than here > Info on Slovenj Gradec town.

Breakfast is offered with all the rooms, which is always handy, too! Additionally, the hotels also offer free parking for guests who may come with their own vehicles.

If availing of this hotel option as arranged by us, there’s no need for you to contact the hotels directly. We’ll make sure that the hotel will be aware of your arrival.

We truly recommend to make it easy for yourself and simply stay in the hotel as arranged by us!


The wedding will take place over 2 days (Friday & Saturday, 3rd & 4th June 2022), hence we recommend to arrive a day before and leave the day after. Recommended stay is Thursday to Sunday, from 2nd to 5th June. 

Currently, the dates we have reserved for the wedding in the above mentioned hotel are 2nd to 5th June (Thursday to Sunday). These dates are totally flexible and can be adjusted as you wish. Please let us know along with your RSVP if you’re happy to avail of the recommended hotel option and whether you wish to stay any additional nights before and/or after the wedding.

If availing of this hotel option as arranged by us, there’s no need for you to contact the hotel directly. We’ll make sure that the hotel will be aware of your arrival. Just let us know in your RSVP! 

WARNING: Please be weary of, Airbnb and similar online services when it comes to staying in this region. Those online services show false distances as they go by air-distance, not road travel (not realistic distance). You may see only 7 km distance from Slovenj Gradec but there is likely a mountain in between and it may take 45-60 minutes to drive. There’s scarce public transport and no taxi services in the region itself. Staying in Slovenj Gradec town is the only recommended option and it will be the easiest for everyone (transport to/from wedding venues will be arranged for all, meeting point will be Hotel Slovenj Gradec). Before booking anything by yourself, feel free to consult Pia and Liam to save ya’ll time and money!